SSI Monthly Statistics, August 2022

All Federally Administered Payments

Table 1. Number of recipients, total payments, average monthly payment, and number of awards, by type of payment, eligibility category, and age, August 2022
Type of payment All recipients Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled a Under 18 18–64 65 or older b
  Number of recipients c
Total 7,607,527 1,124,300 6,483,227 1,019,354 4,266,944 2,321,229
Federal payment only 6,252,595 735,540 5,517,055 909,425 3,679,107 1,664,063
Federal payment and state supplementation 1,221,175 340,572 880,603 109,120 537,134 574,921
State supplementation only 133,757 48,188 85,569 809 50,703 82,245
Total with—  
Federal payment 7,473,770 1,076,112 6,397,658 1,018,545 4,216,241 2,238,984
State supplementation 1,354,932 388,760 966,172 109,929 587,837 657,166
Also receiving OASDI benefits 2,554,840 648,714 1,906,126 62,106 1,165,276 1,327,458
  Total payments c (thousands of dollars)
Total 4,982,125 567,381 4,414,744 790,333 2,997,752 1,194,039
Federal payments 4,731,034 494,021 4,237,013 781,407 2,880,920 1,068,707
State supplementation 251,091 73,361 177,730 8,926 116,832 125,333
  Average monthly payment d (dollars)
Total 623.09 499.56 644.52 731.71 658.65 510.15
Federal payments 601.90 454.51 626.72 724.19 640.68 473.48
State supplementation 178.09 185.89 174.95 75.38 186.02 188.15
  Number of awards e
Total 49,603 11,736 37,867 10,363 27,261 11,979
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes 6,418,339 disabled and 64,888 blind recipients.
b. Includes 1,183,924 disabled and 13,005 blind recipients aged 65 or older.
c. Includes retroactive payments.
d. Excludes retroactive payments.
e. Preliminary data. In the first 2 months after their release, numbers may be adjusted downward to reflect returned checks.
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